The Best-Loved Prayers from the Quran - New edition

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Book Cover: Hard
ISBN: 9788178988054
Publisher: Goodword
Authors: Saniyasnain Khan
Language: English
Book Pages: 96
Book Size (cm): 14x21
Weight: 0.3 kg
Product Code GWB0118

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This selection of prayers for children of seven years and above expresses the variety and richness of prayer and is designed to be used at home, or at school. With bright and colourful illustrations, this book will encourage children to explore their own ways of praying. The best prayers are often the ones we say naturally when we are happy, excited or sad about something. But at that time, we don?t always find the right words to express our inner feelings. Reading these prayers from the Quran, you will find the best words and phrases to pray with, at any time and in any situation. In that way, you will find yourself closer to Allah, as if you are whispering to Him. Then it will not be just you alone, but an exchange between you and the Almighty, which will begin to flow, inspiring and lighting up your mind and heart. May this collection of prayers bring you wisdom and many blessings


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