Al Hasan ibn Ali - English

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Book Cover: Soft
Language: English
Weight: 0.588 kg
Product Code ip005

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How much do we know about the Prophet’s (PBUH) companions? No doubt they were all of high moral character and played an instrumental role in the spread of Islam. There is so much we can learn from them just by studying their life.
While the study of the Seerah of the Companions (R.A) is part of the faith of Muslims, we must also understand that the history of Islam and histroy of the sahaba are two names for the same thing. The rise of Muslims all over the world from the beginning to this day has been achieved by following the lives of the Prophet (PBUH)’s Companions (R.A ) and making them role models. The Holy Quran says: Do not falter or grieve, for you will have the upper hand, if you are ˹true˺ believers. [آل عمران: 139]


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